Healthy Living...

Healthy Living requires... A WHOLE NEW MIND!

Mindful eating requires knowing nutritionally what we are putting into our mouths.

DID YOU KNOW... federal law does not require nutritional information to be listed if food/menu items are temporary?

Here's what can happen when that happens!
Case Study #1 - July 2013:  Long John Silver serves the "worst restaurant meal in America."

RUN, DON'T WALK past Long John Silver's newest menu item - the BIG CATCH! On May 28, 2013... the Louisville, Ky.-based chain of more than 1,300 quick-service restaurants announced the new menu item. According to its web site: Chief Marketing Officer, Charles St. Clair said, “It’s the largest fish we have ever offered weighing in at 7-8 ounces of 100 percent premium Haddock caught in the icy waters of the North Atlantic.” BUT WAIT!!! BE CAREFUL! The CENTER FOR SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST (CSPI) calls the BIG CATCH... the worst restaurant meal in the United States and "a heart attack on a hook." SCPI scolds Long John Silver for taking "a perfectly healthy fish and entombing it in a thick crust of batter and partially hydrogenated oil." WHOA! 

CSPI own lab tests also show that the size claim is wrong: the BIG CATCH is not 7 to 8 ounces of 100 percent haddock, but "more like 60 percent haddock, and 40 percent batter and grease." And finally, CSPI warns that the Big Catch is not heart healthy because it has 33 grams of trans fats, 19 grams of saturated fat, as well as, 3,700 milligrams of sodium. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2 grams of trans fats a day and limits saturated fats to less than 16 grams per day. Both fats are associated with high cholesterol and heart disease risk. Ironically, you won't find nutritional information about the BIG CATCH anywhere on its menu or web stie because it's a "temporary" menu item" and not required to do so. So... EATERS BEWARE! 

See 7/2/2013 @CSPI tweet  @HuffingtonPost @gloriadeegibson #healthyfood @LATimes @washingtonpost @cspi 


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